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Serpent2 v1.4, a snake on TI-83+ without shell


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Filename serpent2v.1.4.zip (Download)
Title Serpent2 v1.4, a snake on TI-83+ without shell
Description This is the new version (September 21th, 2003) of my snake game on TI-83+. I may port it for ION, but it has been designed to work without shell. There are a lot of ameliorations in this version : First of all, you can do highscores bigger than 127 because they are now stored on 16 bits instead of 8. That means that you're now able to do a highscore between 1 and 32,767 :-D Then, I've eliminated the bug at the end of the program. Today (September 27th, 2003), I've updated my program : when the snakes runs on the right, you cannot press "left", and it is the same for all the keys. What's more, I've eliminated a few other bugs known : the target dosen't appear on an obstacle any more, and ou can also play with a snake which is more than 35 long (max=50). Finally, I've changed a little bit the design of the snake, which is better than in the first versions ;) That's why I encourage you to download this version rather than the other ! That's all folks, enjoy !
Author Yannick WRTAL (tyraniek@fr.st)
Category TI-83/84 Plus Assembly Games
File Size 28,706 bytes
File Date and Time Sun Oct 19 21:10:45 2003
Documentation Included? Yes
Source Code Included? Yes



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Archive Contents
Name Size
SERPENT2 - FR.8XG   6013
serpent.z80.txt   33920
cheat.z80.txt   2884
SERPENT2 - EN.8XG   5953
serpentv1.4.bin.txt   44100
readme.txt   7755
01.gif   1423
02.gif   423
03.gif   446
04.gif   503

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