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Argon v2.1


Ranked as 8124 on our all-time top downloads list with 5411 downloads.
Ranked as 13835 on our top downloads list for the past seven days with 4 downloads.

Filename argon21.zip (Download)
Title Argon v2.1
Description Argon is a 3D graphics program for the Ti-83 Plus. It has an easy-to-use GUI or a command line interface. It has three saved files and one RAM file. Argon can draw lines, spheres, cylinders, cubes, and squares. Version 2.1 now includes a render engine: You can render your creations in orthographic or perspective view and move around and through them. This also includes a file compressor, for making your files smaller and a manual editor, to edit the raw data in the Argon files. Hopefully Argon 3.0 will be an application, possibly with the ability to render movies.
Author Wesley Cronk (president@arasian.com)
Category TI-83/84 Plus BASIC Graphics Programs (3-D)
File Size 190,576 bytes
File Date and Time Mon Aug 4 23:14:05 2003
Documentation Included? Yes



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Archive Contents
Name Size
ARG.8xl   3452
ARG2Z.8xl   904
ARGCOMP.8xp   2048
ARGEDIT.8xp   1524
ARGL.8xl   2560
ARGLP.8xl   88
ARGLS.8xl   96
ARGLX.8xl   904
ARGLY.8xl   904
ARGLZ.8xl   904
ARGO.8xl   124
ARGO2.8xl   132
ARGON.8xp   10448
ARGR.8xl   2508
ARGRTL.8xp   2284
ARGS1.8xl   3380
ARGS2.8xl   2732
ARGS3.8xl   2372
argprov21readme.pdf   184806

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