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Connect 4 - v1.1


Ranked as 516 on our all-time top downloads list with 25608 downloads.
Ranked as 14797 on our top downloads list for the past seven days with 4 downloads.
Ranked as 483 on our top rated list with a weighted average of 7.57.

Filename connect4.zip (Download)
Title Connect 4 - v1.1
Description An impressive remake of Connect-4. Features fast, streamline graphics, and a 1-player engine with AI. Based on "Connect 4-5" for the TI-89. Play a game against the calculator, against a friend, or watch the calculator play itself. You can play the game in Drop Mode (like normal Connect-4) or Tic-Tac-Toe style. Also features a "Show Thinking" option, allowing you to see the positions the calculator thinks about when it moves.
Author Adam Ziemba (ahz0123@mail.ecu.edu)
Category TI-83/84 Plus Assembly Games
File Size 13,658 bytes
File Date and Time Sat Mar 18 20:37:41 2006
Documentation Included? Yes
Source Code Included? No



Review by  Christopher Chancellor
Reviewed on 2006-10-11
I'm very impressed with the Artificial Intelligence built in to "Connect 4", which is equal to, if not superior to, other game programs that have attempted this AI. I also like the tic-tac-toe version of the game - a very good idea - even though the author did not add AI into that version as well. The game uses a fool-proof keypad system so that even the most novice users can operate it.

I recommend this program to everyone who's tired of playing the same old games everyday and wants something more addictive. This game was so addictive, in fact, that my biology teacher took my calculator from me during class because I couldn't take my eyes off the screen (I still haven't got it back yet)!

Overall rating: 8/10

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Archive Contents
Name Size
disclaimer.txt   1475
con4_2.gif   1591
con4_3.gif   1641
con4_4.gif   1838
CONNECT4.8xp   3549
con4_1.gif   1678
readme.txt   10064

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