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FACT 1.1 Large number factorials


Ranked as 4416 on our all-time top downloads list with 7516 downloads.
Ranked as 6781 on our top downloads list for the past seven days with 5 downloads.

Filename fact.zip (Download)
Title FACT 1.1 Large number factorials
Description This example program shows how to break the limitation where calculators have trouble producing factorials for large numbers. Most scientific calculators cannot handle more than 69!=1.711E98 because their displays can only handle two digit exponents. The TI-89 can handle up to 449! by default, because the display shows three digit exponents. This example program can handle up to 94851898540!
Author Bill Triplett (treedancingcloud@gmail.com)
Category TI-89 BASIC Math Programs (Arithmetic)
File Size 2,005 bytes
File Date and Time Mon May 12 22:23:56 2003
Documentation Included? Yes



Review by  Nishad Phadke
Reviewed on 2011-02-27
This is one of the most useful factorial programs to date. It excellently handles approximate numbers of magnitude 10*999999999996. This is a fabulous program and I definitely recommend it, though it seems that the code could be slimmed down significantly.

Overall: 9/10


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Archive Contents
Name Size
fact.doc   660
fact.89p   1012
fact.9xp   1008

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