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Ranked as 1919 on our all-time top downloads list with 11429 downloads.
Ranked as 23044 on our top downloads list for the past seven days with 3 downloads.
Ranked as 308 on our top rated list with a weighted average of 8.15.

Filename stigma2.zip (Download)
Title Stigma2
Description It's Stigma - but with external level support! No longer will you have to contend with my terribly designed levels! Hooray! Also, I have shrunk the program file down to just over 2K. It comes with a level editor in the zip file.
Author Benjamin Ryves (benryves@benryves.com)
Category TI-83/84 Plus Assembly Games
File Size 94,053 bytes
File Date and Time Thu May 8 04:46:38 2003
Documentation Included? Yes
Source Code Included? No



Review by  Andrew Marquez
Reviewed on 2009-01-07
I first downloaded Stigma because of some of the great things I've heard about it. Their were only two things that make me dislike the game, but unfortunately they are pretty huge. First off, you have to create your own levels, which is space consuming. I wanted to just get on and play. Also, say you make 3 levels, after you finish the 3rd one it displays "Level 4", and no matter what you do it will not clear the screen. I had to take out a battery for it to clear.

Overall, I give it a 5 out of 10, but it would be a 9 out of 10 if the author just fixed that one little problem.

See 2 more reviews


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Archive Contents
Name Size
Level Editor.exe   81920
Read Me.htm   4828
Stigma2 - ION.8XP   2227
Stigma2 - MirageOS.8XP   2256
Levels/Stigma 2 Sample Levels.8xp   1062
Levels/Stigma1 Levels.8XP   2500
Read_Me/about.htm   1128
Read_Me/about_off.gif   1197
Read_Me/about_on.gif   1245
Read_Me/arrow.gif   870
Read_Me/calc83plus.htm   1006
Read_Me/calc83plus_off.gif   1440
Read_Me/calc83plus_on.gif   1471
Read_Me/editor.gif   43526
Read_Me/install.htm   842
Read_Me/installing_off.gif   1331
Read_Me/installing_on.gif   1381
Read_Me/orb.gif   873
Read_Me/plain.gif   855
Read_Me/plain2.gif   870
Read_Me/play.htm   3777
Read_Me/playing_off.gif   1542
Read_Me/playing_on.gif   1617
Read_Me/slippery.gif   854
Read_Me/startscreen.gif   12532
Read_Me/Stigma2Logo.gif   2975
Read_Me/wall.gif   876

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