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Trigonometric Equality and Inequality Solver v. 2.00


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Ranked as 4445 on our top downloads list for the past seven days with 6 downloads.

Filename tsolve.zip (Download)
Title Trigonometric Equality and Inequality Solver v. 2.00
Description This function allows the user to solve an equality or inequality with a single variable in a limited domain. This allows the solution to be free of the @n symbol so it is much easier to read and comprehend than the solution the built-in solve function would give. While the domain of the solve function can also be limited, it will still return some solutions with @n in it and this function eliminates that entirely. -- The function should now work properly with any and all approximations, along with fixing the problem of not returning all correct solutions of certain trig functions in AMS 2.08
Author Michael Pierce (mikee385@yahoo.com)
Category TI-89 BASIC Math Programs (Trigonometry)
File Size 7,490 bytes
File Date and Time Sun May 18 16:31:39 2003
Documentation Included? Yes



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Archive Contents
Name Size
tsolve.89f   3056
tsolve.9xf   3056
tsolve README.txt   13500

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