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~Garrett's Toolbox


Ranked as 18405 on our all-time top downloads list with 3121 downloads.
Ranked as 6316 on our top downloads list for the past seven days with 5 downloads.

Filename gstool.zip (Download)
Title ~Garrett's Toolbox
Description The ultimate in high school mathematics. Includes slope, midpoint, distance, point slope, 2point->y intercept, 3 points->area, point to line distance, quadratic that solves real, imaginary, and discriminant, 6 different areas, 6 volumes, surface area of a sphere and lateral area of a cone (with all the equations), a full triangle solver (solves any triangle from any combo of 3 sides or angles with a true view option), all the molar conversions, molecular mass finder, and tons of auto-solving physics formulas. Everything you need!
Authors Clint Rutkas (clint@rutkas.com)
Garrett Amini (kaiketsu22@hotmail.com)
Johnny Wu ()
Luke Haywas (RedFive2001@netzero.net)
Category TI-89 BASIC Math Programs (Suites)
File Size 9,312 bytes
File Date and Time Mon Mar 10 01:40:44 2003
Documentation Included? Yes



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Archive Contents
Name Size
gstool.89g   21397
readme.txt   6065

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