ListPic Plus
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ListPic Plus
After a longer than expected delay, ListPic Plus has finally arrived! ListPic Plus is designed specifically for the TI 83+ and takes advantage of its various features to add some nice bells and whistles. Most importantly, thanks to archive memory, you can now save up to SIX extra pictures on your calculator in list form. Though other programs claim 40 extra pictures and more, they either dont work or require you to hack your calculator, a difficult and somewhat risky process. ListPic Plus will save every pixel on your screen into a list, and although there are nearly 6000 pixels on your screen, it takes only about half a list. Regardless of this storage efficiency, saved pictures still take up considerable memory, and take about 5 minutes to load or save, but if you want to save extra pictures to your calculator, ListPic is the best option out there! Note: there is a definite possibility of ListPic Deluxe coming out in the near future, designed specifically for Silver Edition users that will at least double your calculators picture storage ability.
Ben DiFrancesco (
TI-83/84 Plus BASIC Graphics Programs
File Size
2,373 bytes
File Date and Time
Sat Oct 12 23:58:36 2002
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