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Grade Genie v1.0


Ranked as 18492 on our all-time top downloads list with 3102 downloads.
Ranked as 6084 on our top downloads list for the past seven days with 3 downloads.

Filename gradegenie.zip (Download)
Title Grade Genie v1.0
Description Trudgen Scope is proud to present Grade Genie v1.0, the most comprehensive grade keeping system ever made for the TI83plus. This program is packed with features, and the core program takes only 2800 bytes, the rest of the space is a seperate instructions program you can delete after you understand the program, which won't take long. Features include: keep track of up to 1000 test grades on a points possible/recieved system, quickly calculate your overall grade at any time, a comprehensive graphic grade list with letter grade values as well, the ability to set your own letter grade parameters, the ability to change or delete your grades, instant recognition when Extra Credit is added - no divide by 0 errors, grades automatically protected from RAM clears, and more! Delux 6 subject edition (preferable for SE) coming soon as well as an 83 regular port!! For more great programs, visit http://zamboni182.tripod.com
Author Ben DiFrancesco (RedFireBD@aol.com)
Category TI-83 BASIC Educational Programs (Agenda, Homework Tracking, Schedule Programs)
File Size 3,349 bytes
File Date and Time Thu Jul 11 20:36:50 2002
Documentation Included? Yes



Review by  Jonathan Martin
Reviewed on 2005-12-24
This is a really cool program that manages all of your grades. You can edit them at any time, which is really cool. There are so many functions, and your grades are always there, even if your RAM clears. I would really like to see all of the lists combined into one though. Other than that, this program is perfect!

Controls-10/10 Right there
Memory-10/10 Good for what this offers
Usage-11/10 Too many functions to count
Overall-10/10 Really cool


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