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TI DooM v1.3


Ranked as 47 on our all-time top downloads list with 117536 downloads.
Ranked as 13 on our top downloads list for the past seven days with 104 downloads.
Ranked as 745 on our top rated list with a weighted average of 3.85.

Filename doom.zip (Download)
Title TI DooM v1.3
Description This is a game totally in 3D based on DooM. It is quite fast, you can found 3 different weapons : the pistol, the shotgun and the chaingun, there are 2 different enemies with their own animation. This game is really great! It is one of the best doom-likes programmed in Basic for the TI-83(+). And there are 10 levels! Download it!!! ***NEW UPDATE*** Now on 83 AND 83+!
Author Guiral Ferrieu (guiral.ferrieu@gmail.com)
Category TI-83/84 Plus BASIC Games (First-person Shooters)
File Size 9,642 bytes
File Date and Time Mon May 20 21:42:42 2002
Documentation Included? Yes



Review by  Willem Duiker
Reviewed on 2005-11-03
“TI Doom v1.3” is a “Doom” clone for the Ti 83 Plus. I do not recommend a download.

Gameplay: 4/10 slow screen rendering, and not so smart AI make for a not to fun experience; however, the dedication to the real “Doom” is great.

Graphics: 7/10 Good, but slow graphics are the staple to this game, the 3D is spot on, but when there is a wall right in front of you, you can't see it

Controls: 6/10 choppy controls are not fun

Bug freeness: 10\10 No bugs!

Unless your an extreme “Doom” fan don't download the game.


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Archive Contents
Name Size
TIDOOM.8XG   20159
Screen1.gif   743
Screen2.gif   702
Screen3.gif   611
Screen4.gif   453
Readme.txt   2102

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