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And Yet Another Factoring Program


Ranked as 1580 on our all-time top downloads list with 12882 downloads.
Ranked as 19618 on our top downloads list for the past seven days with 2 downloads.

Filename ayafactor.zip (Download)
Title And Yet Another Factoring Program
Description This is a program for the 83+ to be used in Algebra 1 and a bit of Algebra 2. It can factor trinomials and cubic functions, multiply monomials, figure out the prime factorization of a number, find pairs of numbers that multiply to the inputted number, and can find the vertex of a parabola. Revisions: Added cubic factoring and multiplying. This program will really help one with their math. Wanted by many, liked by all.
Author Kiran Nair (thecalcgenius@charter.net)
Category TI-83/84 Plus BASIC Math Programs (Algebra)
File Size 2,509 bytes
File Date and Time Wed Mar 12 02:23:18 2003
Documentation Included? Yes



Review by  Sang Nguyen
Reviewed on 2004-02-24
This program is amazing!! This is just as good as the factor() function on the 89. I used this program often to check my math homework and it has helped me a lot! The speed is amazing, and it takes about a second to get familiar with the interface. Best factoring program out there! Get it today!


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Archive Contents
Name Size
ayafactor2/FACTOR2.8XP   3116
ayafactor2/PleaseReadme.txt   1040

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