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Phoenix2: beta 5


Ranked as 435 on our all-time top downloads list with 28767 downloads.
Ranked as 19618 on our top downloads list for the past seven days with 2 downloads.

Filename phoenix2.zip (Download)
Title Phoenix2: beta 5
Description This is the newest vertion of Phoenix2. you still get the same ship, their are 12 enemies and they all move. In this vertion you are back to your first weapon only, but all will be avalible in the final vertion, you can move in all four directions, and your health is displayed as a number (like Phoenix 3 (in ASM)), and you still get the same save game feature as the original. But, great news, the game doesn't slow down or overload EVER, and when you fire your weapon the game isn't put on hold untill the gun reaches the end of the screen. The enemie fire is more realistic, and you can kill the enemy ships. But you still can't beat the game as only the first level is avalable. Note: Due to the exchange in gunfire the internal prossesor has slown a little bit but ist is still pretty fast, and it was programed on the TI-83 Plus Silver Edition.
Author David Krueger (wheelman777@comcast.net)
Category TI-83/84 Plus BASIC Games (Arcade/Shooters/Space)
File Size 5,818 bytes
File Date and Time Mon Aug 5 20:57:01 2002
Documentation Included? Yes



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Archive Contents
Name Size
PHOENIX2.8XP   1468
Pheonix 2.txt   2062
Phoenix.gif   867
Phoenix2.gif   880
Phoenix3.gif   810
Phoenix4.gif   793

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