3DLib Demo v0.55
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3DLib Demo v0.55
Visualize 3D object from 3DS(MAX) exported as ASCII. Rotation through all axes, zoom In/Out, gray level....
KTy (a.jalabert@ifrance.com)
TI-89 Assembly Graphics Programs
File Size
395,155 bytes
File Date and Time
Sun Jan 14 01:10:15 2001
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Archive Contents
Include/engine.h | 423 |
ASC/cone.asc | 11182 |
ASC/dba3.asc | 20289 |
ASC/helix.asc | 16943 |
ASC/plane4.asc | 31719 |
ASC/torus.asc | 28613 |
ASC/Wipe.asc | 2194 |
ASC/conv.bat | 243 |
ASC/convert.exe | 24980 |
ASC/sed.exe | 85504 |
ASC/Readme.txt | 376 |
3DLibDemo.txt | 2483 |
Include/fglib.H | 1206 |
Include/FgLibM.h | 16179 |
ASC/f117.asc | 39711 |
ASC/su27.asc | 43774 |
Include/EngineM.h | 1765 |
ASC/a.asc | 11954 |
ASC/aircraft.asc | 31719 |
ASC/Arrow.asc | 14214 |
ASC/Box.asc | 5899 |
ASC/Camaro.asc | 26172 |
ASC/face.asc | 13971 |
ASC/sphere.asc | 6908 |
ASC/biplan.asc | 22497 |
ASC/Pizza.asc | 20955 |
ASC/weird.asc | 2032 |
Include/a.h | 8070 |
Include/aircraft.h | 20084 |
Include/arrow.h | 9052 |
Include/box.h | 3808 |
Include/camaro.h | 18808 |
Include/cone.h | 7646 |
Include/dba3.h | 14541 |
Include/face.h | 9099 |
Include/HLineM.h | 3852 |
Include/plane4.h | 20017 |
Include/Rlinelib.h | 3906 |
Include/sphere.h | 4580 |
Include/su27.h | 29609 |
Include/torus.h | 19182 |
Source/a.asm | 412 |
Source/Aircraft.asm | 442 |
Source/arrow.asm | 434 |
Source/biplan.asm | 436 |
Source/Box.asm | 428 |
Source/Calc3D.asm | 10429 |
Source/camaro.asm | 438 |
Source/cone.asm | 432 |
Source/dbal3.asm | 435 |
Source/engine.asm | 18120 |
Source/face.asm | 430 |
Source/fglib.asm | 25163 |
Source/GrayHandler.asm | 4610 |
Source/plane4.asm | 435 |
Source/QuickSort.asm | 1917 |
Source/SortAlgo.asm | 1560 |
Source/sphere.asm | 434 |
Source/su27.asm | 430 |
Source/tore.asm | 433 |
Source/Hexfnct.asm | 3631 |
Include/helix.h | 11327 |
Source/helix.asm | 444 |
Demos/a.89z | 2873 |
Demos/aircraft.89z | 6605 |
Demos/arrow.89z | 3313 |
Demos/biplan.89z | 5117 |
Demos/box.89z | 1593 |
Demos/camaro.89z | 6165 |
Demos/cone.89z | 2737 |
Demos/dbal3.89z | 4697 |
Demos/f117.89z | 8017 |
Demos/face.89z | 3261 |
Demos/pizza.89z | 4901 |
Demos/plane4.89z | 6601 |
Demos/sphere.89z | 1825 |
Demos/su27.89z | 9485 |
Demos/tore.89z | 6377 |
Demos/weird.89z | 701 |
Demos/wipe.89z | 761 |
Include/Engine89.h | 1613 |
Include/Engine92p.h | 1511 |
Include/f117.h | 24429 |
Include/Pizza.h | 13710 |
Include/weird.h | 1542 |
Source/f117.asm | 434 |
Source/Pizza.asm | 432 |
Source/weird.asm | 411 |
Source/wipe.asm | 434 |
Demos/3d.89z | 5417 |
Demos/bi.89z | 6733 |
Demos/bird.89z | 4233 |
Demos/boat.89z | 5909 |
Demos/d3d.89z | 1629 |
Demos/dba.89z | 4281 |
Demos/f22.89z | 6601 |
Demos/fly.89z | 6957 |
Demos/pickup.89z | 6757 |
Demos/shoe.89z | 3341 |
Demos/track.89z | 8741 |
ASC/BiBlack.asc | 6034 |
ASC/BiGrey1.asc | 8596 |
ASC/BiGrey2.asc | 13743 |
ASC/BirdBlack.asc | 1669 |
ASC/BirdGrey1.asc | 14756 |
ASC/BirdGrey2.asc | 1744 |
ASC/BirdWhite.asc | 520 |
ASC/BiWhite.asc | 3366 |
ASC/BoatBlack.asc | 9453 |
ASC/BoatGrey1.asc | 6468 |
ASC/BoatGrey2.asc | 1015 |
ASC/BoatWhite.asc | 9453 |
ASC/d3D.asc | 6917 |
ASC/DBABlack.asc | 6864 |
ASC/DBAGrey1.asc | 6035 |
ASC/DBAGrey2.asc | 8618 |
ASC/DBAWhite.asc | 90 |
ASC/F117Black.asc | 8952 |
ASC/F117Grey1.asc | 5345 |
ASC/F117Grey2.asc | 22734 |
ASC/F117White.asc | 91 |
ASC/F22Black.asc | 3258 |
ASC/F22Grey1.asc | 17454 |
ASC/F22Grey2.asc | 10382 |
ASC/F22White.asc | 90 |
ASC/FlyBlack.asc | 1333 |
ASC/FlyGrey1.asc | 6379 |
ASC/FlyGrey2.asc | 22072 |
ASC/FlyWhite.asc | 1411 |
ASC/PickUpBlack.asc | 10407 |
ASC/PickUpGrey1.asc | 4614 |
ASC/PickUpGrey2.asc | 16354 |
ASC/PickUpWhite.asc | 2203 |
ASC/Shoe.asc | 13754 |
ASC/Sphinx.asc | 36940 |
ASC/SU27Black.asc | 5415 |
ASC/SU27Grey1.asc | 29152 |
ASC/SU27Grey2.asc | 8369 |
ASC/SU27White.asc | 1283 |
ASC/tmp.asc | 3367 |
ASC/TrackBlack.asc | 90 |
ASC/TrackGrey1.asc | 46661 |
ASC/TrackGrey2.asc | 90 |
ASC/TrackWhite.asc | 90 |
ASC/convr.bat | 91 |
ASC/CONVERT2.EXE | 28423 |
Include/3D.h | 16560 |
Include/bi.h | 22360 |
Include/bird.h | 10933 |
Include/boat.h | 17375 |
Include/d3D.h | 4544 |
Include/dba.h | 14028 |
Include/F22.h | 20294 |
Include/fly.h | 28 |
Include/PickUp.h | 22110 |
Include/shoe.h | 8379 |
Include/sphinx.h | 25458 |
Include/Track.h | 28449 |
Source/Bi.asm | 442 |
Source/Bird.asm | 434 |
Source/Boat.asm | 430 |
Source/d3D.asm | 440 |
Source/dba.asm | 435 |
Source/F22.asm | 434 |
Source/Fly.asm | 428 |
Source/PickUp.asm | 440 |
Source/shoe.ASM | 432 |
Source/Sphinx.asm | 423 |
Source/Track.asm | 432 |
WebSite.url | 45 |
engine.89z | 10131 |
fglib.89z | 11887 |