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Calc Lock v7.5


Ranked as 1044 on our all-time top downloads list with 16394 downloads.
Ranked as 22720 on our top downloads list for the past seven days with 2 downloads.

Filename calclock.zip (Download)
Title Calc Lock v7.5
Description An update to the previous version of Calc Lock. The BEST password protection program available by Alpha Technologies. UNBREAKABLE encryption algorithm. (I tried to write a computer program to "crack" my own password and it didn't work!) Everytime you startup your calc, it asks for a password. (If you don’t have ti83startup, then download it from www.ti.com/calc) If you type it in the password wrong twice, then it will give you wrong answers everytime you try to calculate something. Also includes a System Administration program which allows the person with the master password to set, delete, and change all temporary passwords. Run prgrm INSTALL when you think of a master password! NOW BUG FREE!! DOWNLOAD!!! ITS WORTH IT!
Author Alpha Technologies (TI83AlphaTech@yahoo.com)
Category TI-83/84 Plus BASIC Misc. Programs (Password)
File Size 4,540 bytes
File Date and Time Thu Jun 8 01:32:41 2000
Documentation Included? Yes



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Archive Contents
Name Size
Lock75.8xg   5546
Lock75a.8xg   5347

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