Before you can really start learning to program you are going to have to have some basic tools.
#include "" . . . . . . (aliases and defines) . . . . . . .org _asm_exec_ram . . . . . . (program code) . . . . . . (variables) . . . . . . .end
Those are the two tools I have so those are what I will be referring to. It is definitely possible to program with a homemade link and some freeware linking software, but Assembly Studio is nice because it combines all aspects of programming into one program. You don't have to use MS-DOS EDIT to edit the file, another MS-DOS program to compile it, your linking software to send it, and then overwrite the file if you already have it on the calculator.
Asm Studio also lets you select options so that all you do is his [Ctrl] and [F5] and Asm Studio sends the file to your calculator and overwrites the previous version. Asm Studio just takes care of the bottlenecks, not to mention adding several features that you will wonder how you could ever have lived without.
Later on in programming you will want to have a complete set of include files for your code downloaded and in your include search path directory. If you have Asm Studio, that directory would be "Include". You will also want to start collecting your own library of reference material. Check out the Download Section for my current stash of files. Start collecting now so you can get all the weird files on all the weird stuff there is with asm programming.
To start you off getting comfortable with Asm Studio, we're going to try to compile something and send it to your TI86.
in the
'Programs' directory of your Asm Studio folder.
Asm Studio will automatically save it with an
file extension.
with N
being some number.
#include "" ;equate file .org _asm_exec_ram ;where it starts call _clrLCD ;clear the screen ld bc,$0000 ;at coordinates (0,0) ld (_curRow),bc ;load coodinates ld hl,hello_text ;address of text call _puts ;display it call _getkey ;wait for keypress ret ;exit program hello_text: .db "hello",0 ;text to display .end ;end of source code
You need to have your TI86 plugged into your Graph Link, turned on, and at the homescreen. If you have errors, go to the Asm Studio Help section "Troubleshooting". To run your program, once it has been sent to the TI86, type the following:
Asm(arg1)Where arg1 is type the name of the program. You can get
from the TI86's Catalogue, and you can go get the name of your program through
the Program Menues. Hit [ENTER] to startup your program.
Let's say you saved your above program as
hello.asm and assembled it as
hello.86p. You would send the
file to your calculator and type in the following at the homescreen.
Make sure you put a Tab at the start of every line in your code that has an instruction on it. The assembler will then recognize them as instructions and not labels.